The airline that likes to say, "Are you lookin' for a fat lip, Jimmy?"

The airline that likes to say, "Are you lookin' for a fat lip, Jimmy?"

United Airlines — a progress report


Fans of irony will enjoy this: United Airlines released its latest financial statement last month (September 2017) — this included the period after security officers forcibly removed a 69-year-old passenger, Dr. David Dao, from one of their planes.


Dr Dao was taken to hospital after Chicago aviation police violently dragged him from the plane, blood pouring from his face.

The aircraft had been over-booked, and Dr Dao was selected to exit the plane. 


Surprisingly, despite widespread outrage at the incident followed by threats of passenger boycotts, United reported a rise in profits: it made $818 million in the most recent quarter, 39 percent up on last year.

It just shows — passengers are more than happy to put up with the odd savage beating in order to get a low fare.