Life begins at 50 — the Boeing 737 celebrated its 50th birthday in April 2017
So here we are, in the dwindling days of 2017. This is officially the UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development; and as if that's not exciting enough the year continues to mark many anniversaries, from the historic to the cultural, and from the whimsical to the practical.
The world of travel, too, continues to mark many significant milestones, during 2017.
The Boeing 737 was 50 in April, while Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, inventor of the practical dirigible, died 100 years ago in March 1917. That year also saw the development of the aeroplane the Sopwith Cuckoo, which sadly — despite its excellent name — was retired only six years later in 1923.
One travelling idea that exhibited much more traction marked its 70th birthday this year —in 1947, Kitty Downe opened the world’s first duty free shop. Her outlet at Shannon Airport sold, perhaps inevitably, Irish whiskey.
Shannon Airport 1961
Amidst all these anniversaries [*shuffles feet* looks at the ground*] I have to insinuate myself.
Let me explain: as far as I can tell from my records, the very first edition of my Irish Post column appeared exactly 21 years ago in 1996. Without any time off for good behaviour it has continued ever since, spanning two centuries, and covering many topics.
At the dawn of this column there was no Facebook, no Twitter, no smartphones, no Snapchat, no Pinterest, no Tumblr.
I worked on a computer that required something like three days’ notice to cut and paste anything.
The technology from those former times may seem as alien as travelling by horse and buggy; the stories, however, have a familiar ring, with travel, tourism and adventure all making their mark.
Given the nature of this website I’ve chosen to select items which highlight the facts behind some of travel highlights of the last 21 years.